Upcoming/Past Events lists upcoming Events and Past Events.

Videos are now becoming available from Past Clinics. Click “here” to go directly to the Video Page.

Front Range Division of the NMRA

Clinic: Atomic-Age Narrow-Gauge: Uranium and the Rio Grande Southern Railroad by Steve Hart

The Division meets on the 3rd Monday of each month, except August at 7:00 PM. We meet at the Colorado Railroad Museum at 17155 W. 44th Avenue, Golden, CO 80403. Our meetings consist of presentations on model railroad modeling techniques, tools, and layout construction. “Show and Tell” each month involves bringing a model or short presentation to the meeting and talking about its construction or importance to you. A short business meeting follows to finish the night. For more information contact Rich Gibson at richgibson89@yahoo.com.

Date Website was last updated: 03-23-2025.

Date Event was last updated: 03-17-2025.

If you are unable to attend the Meeting in person, you can attend via Zoom. Here is the link for Zoom: https://us06web.zooom.us/j/3155934986 or https://zoom.us/j/3155934986.

Map to Colorado Railroad Muesum