Paul Brennecke’s “The Grand Railroad” is an N Scale layout set in the modern era for railroading.

Lower Level Layout for The Grand Railroad
Upper Level Layout for The Grand Railroad
Grand Road Business Car “Storm Mountain” leaving the Terror Creek Depot behind a new ES44AC with Paul and his son at the back of the business car
Amtrak #6 pulls out of Terror Creek and heads towards Denver Union Station
Two SD70Ace’s lead RODNEX (Roseville to Denver Expedited) on to the Terror Creek deck girder bridge
The CEMCPL (Coal Energy Mine to Coors Power Loads) DPU (Distributed Power Units) pass the Terror Creek Depot
Amtrak #6 is passing the Terror Creek engine house
Amtrak #6 is on a curved deck girder bridge before disappearing into Tunnel #33
Reasonably new DPU’s assist the 43 wells of the LADNST (Los Angles to Denver Stack Train) over the Terror Creek Deck bridge
Three SD70Ace’s lead the RODNEX (Roseville to Denver Expedited) past a scratch built deep hood signals
Older SD70M engines lead the LADNST (Los Angles to Denver Stack Train) over twin modified Central Valley bridges
Coal train CENCPL (Coal Energy Mine to Coors Power Loads) winds thru the mountain town of Terror Creek
PODNHL (Portland to Denver Hauler) works its way up a canyon
Power awaits their next assignment at the Terror Creek engine house

Paul finished Doug Midkiff’s Atlas GP-38 which he painted in The Grand Road livery. Travis Searls found this GP-38 in Doug’s railroad accumulation. Doug had painted it, decaled it, and drilled holes for the grab irons and handrails. Paul finished it. Doug did a great job without talking to Paul about the colors and decals.

DPU’s on the LADNST (Los Angles to Denver Stacks) are on the high line and empty tank cars on the PODNHL (Portland to Denver Hauler) are below.
Power on the PODNHL (Portland to Denver Hauler) are on the twin bridges.
The PODNHL (Portland to Denver Hauler) is nearing Terror Creek as it climbs the western slope of the Rockies. Back drop is hand painted from slides of the San de Crisco’s.
Lead power on the LADNST (Los Angles to Denver Stacks) is on the high line and empty tank cars on the PODNHL (Portland Denver Hauler) are below. All power on the Grand Road has AC traction motors because of the mountainous grades.
Scenery on the Grand Road consists of rock castings over “old school” hard shell base. Trees are made from Woodland Scenics foliage on toothpicks.

The following 3 pictures were shot by Paul of the Amtrak #6 at Terror Creek Depot. These pictures were shot with some LED flood lights instead of his usual 5000K spiral fluorescent lights.

The six (6) pictures below are recent shots by Paul.

Amtrak #6 is slowing to a stop at the Terror Creek Depot.
Amtrak #6 is slowing to a stop at the Terror Creek Depot while the engine house crew moves some power around.
Amtrak eastbound is crossing the longer of the thru truss bridges.
#6 on the fill above Terror Creek Lake.
#6 on the fill above Terror Creek Lake.
The RODNTR (Roper to Denver Trailers) powered for the 16 TOFC cars is 3x2x0 DP.

The following photos were taken by Paul in July 2024.

RPDNTR (Roper to Denver Trailers) on fill above Terror Creek Lake. The 16-car train is powered by 3x0x1 DP.
Same train.
The RODNEX (Roseville to Denver Expedited) DP’s are crossing the Terror Creek deck bridge. Train is 49 cars of mixed freight.
The RODNEX passing the TC Depot. A UP ES44AC is being serviced at the TC engine house.
RODNEX leaving Terror Creek.
RODNEX crossing B&B 79.6
Distributed power of RODNEX with an afternoon thunder storm brewing.
RODNEX power behind TC Depot with the tail end of the 46 car train passing in front of the depot.