Table of Contents

Presentations for 2025

My Journey to Modeling in S Scale

Presentations for 2024

Advanced Tools & Tips by Doug Geiger

“How did we win the war, Grand Pa?” by Gerry Glancy

How Fred Harvey Opened Up the American West by Christine Petty

Colorado’s Narrow-Gauge Railroads – A Synopsis by Tom Brunner

How Geology Determined the Denver-Gunnison Mainline of the Denver, South Park & Pacific by Steve Hart

Backdrops – How to Paint and Blend with Mid and Foreground by Mark Shifter

Hospital Trains by Gerry Glancy

Scratch Building with Monster Modelworks Brick Street by Glenn Gibson

Trees, trees, and more trees by Rich Gibson

Presentations for 2023

Sylvan Models HO Scale Laker Class Freighter Kit by Glenn Runkewich

Representation of Bath Maine by Rich Gibson

The Denver and Rio Grande Western (Monarch Branch) by Gary Myers

Designing a Railroad for Operations Based on the Prototype by Bob Foltz

Prototype Railroad Experiences and Modeling Prospectives by Kevin Ruble

Evolution of a Railroad, The Education of a Railroader by Scott Ogle

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Tips and Techniques for Building Dual Gauge Turnouts Using Fast Tracks Assembly Jigs by Tom George

Non-Flicker Lighting and Weathering Locomotives by William E. Botkin